fredag den 11. juni 2010

Ikke forbudt at forudsige fremtiden

Der er netop faldet dom i en sag i USA fra Montgomery kommune i staten Maryland, fortæller Association for Astrological Networking i dag på deres Facebookside. Dommer Glenn Harrell jr. afsagde i appelretten kendelse i en sag, der har kørt de seneste to år. Her blev en mand nægtet tilladelse til at åbne forretning med spådomskunst.

Frifindelsen baseredes alene på ytringsfrihed som rettighed. Der ligger altså ikke nogen anerkendelse af astrologien i denne dom – blot en konstatering af, at retten ikke på forhånd kan forhindre nogen i at sige noget sludder eller i at bedrage nogen, som det blev udtrykt. Her må der i hvert enkelt tilfælde anlægges bedragerisag.

Her er indlægget på Facebook:

Court overturns ban on fortune telling. Fortune-telling for a fee is protected as free speech, according to a ruling from Maryland's Court of Appeals that overturns a fortune-telling ban in Montgomery County.
for 2 timer siden ·  · 
Association For Astrological NetworkingAssociation For Astrological Networking
Association For Astrological Networking
The lawsuit was initially filed in 2008 by a man who had been denied a license to open a fortune-telling business in Montgomery County. A Montgomery County court supported an ordinance banning fortune-telling for money.

But the Appeals Court said that while fortune-tellers may sometimes deceive their customers, it's not up to the court to pass judgment on the validity or value of their fortunes. The court said the county could enforce fraud laws in the event that fraud occurs.

In the dissenting opinion, Judge Glenn Harrell Jr., argued that the ordinance is limited in its application to fortune-telling for compensation, and that the ordinance restricts no more speech than is necessary to prevent fraud.

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