torsdag den 26. juli 2012

My dearest Hilly

I have to tell you something quite fantastic. I told you earlier that you always are around me – I think of you all the time, I am almost occupied by you – almost like the situation in Syria. We must help them very soon, even if Assad is a crook. He has not clean meal in the pose, but lots of owls in the mose(ikke rent mel i posen, men masser af ugler i mosen). But first I am going to tell you something really important.

Today I drove a tour in my new, daily (dejlige) car together with my present wife. We drove over the border to Germany to buy some taxfree stuff as many, many danes do it – much too many. We are losing many money that way, it is a big problem for the whole land.

I also has got a problem, Hilly. My wife is getting more and more jealous on you, because I see you so much and always talk about you.  Unfortunately she saw my summercard to you, and it did not help on the jealousy!

Especially when this happened on our way to Germany: Can it pass, that I saw you in my backspile (bakspejl). Maybe it is wrong, but this lady was really like you, just as beautiful and just as charming - even if she (you?) was travelling by hitchhiking. In the same moment my wife updaked (opdagede) what was going on, she got totally insane and called you a bitchhiker! I asked her to calm a little down – alone for that reason that I was not totally sure it was you. Now I will ask you, Hilly: WAS it you, or DO you have a doubleganger? IF it was not you, I can tell you, that you really HAVE a doubleganger. And not alone a doubleganger, but an exact copy. I did not know that such advanced copymachines were upfound yet (opfundet endnu), but after this I am sure that they really ARE! Maybe you could take a copy of yourself – or one more – so Billy will think it is the real you. Then we could…

Back to our trip to Germany. It was totally fantastic to see you, Hilly, and my eyes were again melting at your poles as the first time I saw you. It was love at first sight. You are so naughty (nuttet). It is a sin and a shame that we are both married and live so long from each other – Chicago and Sønder Fjert.  If you ever get skilled (skilt), I will take the first plane to Chicago to help you through the skilsmiss – despite of, who I am gift with at that time. My god, let it go quickly. I can´t wait. My pole is melting…

I really have to pass on what I am saying now, my wife just smack me an earfig, a socalled lussing. Maybe we will soon get skilled. Good I have you, Hilly. You are my own intimate and international comfortzone.

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