onsdag den 25. juli 2012

NY VERSION af Føljetonen om Hilly, Billy og Villy 

Dear Hilly

I am sure that you are looking forward to get a summercard from me. I am happy to tell you: Here it is! And I hope you are just as happy as me. Now I have bought my billy car, and I tell you, there really IS so much fart in it, as I hoped. You know, the fart is necessary, because I am so travelled (jeg har SÅ travlt, red.). I have almost not hold any ferry this summer (ikke holdt nogen ferie, red.)  I have almost not been home in Sønder Fjert. I have been at the Poles, you know, and maybe I am going to India soon in a very important case. All the time I visit countries very fart away, I tell you. Maybe you know something about this. The only back deal (bagdel) with my new car is, that when I really set fart in it, then it is tracking in because it is untight (det trækker ind, da den er utæt). But I cannot find the hole. IF I barely could find the hole, then I could fix it with the pole…now I have to pass on, what I say (passe på, hvad jeg siger). I will needy (nødigt) risk, that you think I am naughty.
But what about you and your man Billy? How is it going? I am looking forward to hear about his free marks (frimærker, red.).  You remember, we both sampled on free marks and have done it all the way back from our barndom. And as my good colleague I could easily forestill me, that you also have been travelling a good deal in the run of the last time? Tell me about it, please. I have a good foreslag. What about to meat some more (mødes lidt oftere, red.) than we already have done? It would be very cosy. Next time you come to Denmark, I insist that you visit me home in Sønder Fjert. Then we can spend some time sitting on my large scale grassplane (store græsplæne) and hug us (hygge os). And as it is a very big grassplane, we can hug us very much.
We also can stand under my browser, when we need a bad (et bad). I am sure it will be as cosy as our unforgettable channel roundfart in Copenhagen with all our clean water. Next time you HAVE you bring your bad draught (badedragt). Maybe you also remember all cyclists biking to their jobs in the morning and home again in the evening. In Denmark we call it recycling. But I myself is very happy with my new car, especially when my chauffeur is driving me around in it in high fart. Then I have good time to write summercards  - of which the most important of course  is the one you are leasing (læser, red.) right now.



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